Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

???tell us who you are???

We have a little thing on our blog that is similar to a tracker. It gives us neat bits of information, such as how many times our blog is viewed every day, how people come across our blog (by typing in the web address, Google search results, and etc), and it also tells us from what city and state the person viewing our blog is in. Pretty neat huh!?! We've tried it out to see just how accurate it is and it does work! We've had some places like New York that came across our page completely by accident. But we've also had some places like Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennesee, the Carolinas, and Carmel and Austin, Indiana who have been pretty regular. We would love to know who you are...do we know you? Are you family...a friend...or did you just happen to come across our blog by accident? We hear all the time how much our friends and family enjoy our blog. We would love for you to leave us a comment while checking up on us :) We are very curious!!!

Chris and Megan <3


Anonymous said...

I searched for Phil Wickham lyrics because I was going to be hearing him live in a month at Southeast and I wanted to make sure I knew the words to some of his songs. Your blog came up as one of the results because you had put up the lyrics to his hit Grace. I started reading your blog because I thought it was funny. You seemed artsy and I am as well. The main reason I get on your blog though is for your music playlist. I thought I saw you and your fiance at the Phil Wickham concert and the next day I found out from your blog that I had. I was in the row in front of you wearing a green shirt.

Ryan from Louisville

Mrs. Wesely said...

Wow! What a small world.....I want one of those ticker things.. How do you get it?

Jenn said...

Ok. I will admit to being one of your stalkers. I'm Jenn and I know Chris from college. Rachel and I have been friends since the crib and she introduced us. I haven't seen Chris in forever and it has been fun to peek in on his life.

Congrats on the upcoming wedding!

The Cox Family said...

Sorry Megan and Chris, but I must admit I am a stalker as well. But then again, we go to church on Weds with you and I love your music playlist.

chris and megan said...

We are glad to know that you all are checking up on us and the going ons in our lives! Now don't be shy to leave a comment from now on! :)

And to Ryan in Louisville-- How crazy is that!?! We cannot tell you how many people find our blog because they googled Phil Wickham! Now that you mention it--we do remember a guy in front of us with a green shirt on. ... guess it was you! Glad you are enjoying our blog and our music :)

Sulayne said...

Cool idea! I would also like to have one of those tracker things. I think it would be interesting to see who reads my blog!

Michelle Baker said...

I am an old friend of Karen Hooser's from high school, and was randomly clicking on the links from her blog page - which is how I stumbled across your blog! I know we don't know each other, but congratulations on your engagement!