Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, December 23, 2007

dance dance revolution

After receiving a couple of complaints about us not updating our blog, I thought I should post something! I'm sorry I've been slacking here lately! It did make me feel good to know that people are reading our blog :) David, Andrea, Mason, and Nolan came in on Saturday and will be staying with Chris through Christmas. We have had so much fun spending time with them this weekend! Saturday we had pizza at Chris' and then we went to play laser tag...I stink. It was still a lot of fun though ;) Tonight we all met up and went to see National Treasure 2. While we were waiting for the movie to start, Chris, David, and Julian played dance dance revolution.

Chris and I decided to do our Christmas presents for each other on Friday because it would be so crazy on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Our Friday night Christmas was simply perfect. We went out to eat, came home, opened presents, and hung out with each other the rest of the night. Chris is so much fun to open presents with...he is so funny!

First he gives me a plate--that I love! Then, he gives me a neclace and explains that it's not real. I put on the neclace and tell him how pretty it is. I'm thanking him for my gifts and I go to hug him and he says...I have one more! I open it and it's another neclace! He explains that this one is real. He is so funny. I said "well which one am I supposed to wear?!?!" He looked so serious and said "the real one." :) I love both of my neclaces...the real one and the not real one! They are beautiful...and so is my plate! Anyways-Friday was wonderful. I'm very lucky.

I can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Eve! I'll be sure to take lots of pictures. Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Megan <3

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