Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

our pots and pans

I forgot to get a picture of our new pots and pans, so I used this one from the Rachael Ray website. That's right...Rachael Ray pots and pans! I love her show! I was so excited that I made Chris and I some chili in them tonight ...while jamming to music from our ipod docking station! We also used our new spoons! Pretty exciting stuff...

Megan <3


Sulayne said...

You'll have to let me know if you like the pos and pans. I could use some new ones.

chris and megan said...

So far, I love the pots and pans! They are non-stick on the inside which is really nice for cleanup.
Not that this is that important, but the lids are glass and you can check out your food while it's cooking ;)