Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, December 13, 2007

school's out for the winter!!!

I had a final on Tuesday and the other three finals today. I'm so relieved for that to be over with! I will be on break from now until January 14th! YEA!! I'm pretty pumped about it :)

Something else I'm excited about--two of my bridesmaid's dresses came in on Tuesday along with my veil! My Mom and I were so excited when we got home that I put my wedding dress on with the veil and the whole bit! hehe We are such dorks...

Something else I'm excited about--remember how I kept going Christmas shopping but I wasn't having any luck finding the things I was looking for? Well, I went shopping on Tuesday and I got a lot accomplished! I don't know about you, but I just love when I get something done and then I get to check it off of my list! Maybe I'm just easily amused?

Chris and I went to Body Pump yesterday morning and I am sore...again.

Have a great night <3,



The Cox Family said...

I too got a lot done on my Christmas Shopping list. I only have Ryan left and I HAVE NO CLUE what to get him! Will figure something out sooner or later!

Mrs. Wesely said...

Body Pump is vicious!

Matt Jessica and Jackson said...

If it makes you feel less like a dork. I think I tried my dress on every week before I got married, and I got it 2 years before my date;)