Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

anonymous letters

A few months after we started dating, we began to receive anonymous messages through Megan’s Myspace account. In the beginning, we only knew that the messages were from someone at church, and that the person sending them was out to hurt us.

While we immediately recognized that the messages were filled with lies intended to cause conflict in our relationship, we were still bothered by them. What disturbs us is that there is someone who worships among us who is so filled with envy and hate that it spews out of them. After we told a few people about the messages, we learned that other people at CIC had also received anonymous messages. So, what worries us most is that the sender of this hate mail may actually end up hurting someone … and our church.

So, we’re writing this post for a few reasons. First, we want to inform everyone about these messages because you might receive one someday. Who is to say who the next target will be? You should know that the messages we received tried to fool us into believing they were coming from another person. The sender attempted to “frame” someone else. You should also know that the person writing these messages falsely portrays herself as “a friend” who is “just trying to help.”

The second thing you should know is that the messages have come in different forms. At first, we received them only through Megan’s Myspace account. She canceled the account when we started our blog and the anonymous messages ended … until recently.

Last Saturday, we found a typed anonymous message on Chris’ front porch … and the woman who left it made a tactical error. Praise God! So, we are fairly certain we know who is writing the messages. But we want to be 100 percent sure before we inform the elder board.

We debated whether we should drag our blog visitors into this … but we know that evil hates the light … and what could be a better way to expose evil deeds than shining a light on them by informing you? So, if any of you have information that could help us seal the deal please give us a ring.

In the meantime, we ask that you all pray for this situation. We are convinced that the person writing these messages is mentally disturbed—and we say that with all sincerity. Please join us in praying that the person will get the help before she hurts the body of Christ.

We’d also appreciate your attention to another matter … Since we began dating, and especially since we became engaged, there have been people (some reading this right now) who have been less than supportive of our relationship. We know of several people who smile to our faces only to rip us to pieces when they climb in their gossip circles. Christians should know better.

If anyone has a question about our relationship, we are more than happy to answer it. Since the beginning, we have tried to be God honoring in our relationship. It’s by His grace that we will enter into a pure union, and we were hoping our entire church family would celebrate with us instead of running us down. Coincidentally, many of the people who pointing at the “specks in our eyes” are the same people walking around with giant planks in theirs. Isn’t that the way it usually goes?

Sorry this blog hasn't been happy and uplifting like most of our posts are. We promise to get back to that asap! :)

Chris and Megan


Cara Gaines said...

Well...this definitely didn't leave me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. ;)

Sorry to hear about the craziness...don't let this discourage you guys.

I personally don't mind rumors about me. I figure if I was a nobody, nobody would waste time making up stories about me.

The Cox Family said...

It deeply saddens me that someone would pick on a couple of CHRIST LOVING people like the two of you. To be honest, Ryan, Kenzie, Maddie and I continue to come to the church here in Charlestown because of how welcome you and Chris made us feel that first night. I will definately be praying about this situation!
Love in Christ,

Mrs. Wesely said...

Thank you for putting this out there. Let's give prayer that this will finally be over soon. I love and respect both of you very much!

Tawana said...

I want to just say that I love you both and wish you a God loving and long lasting forever marriage. You are a beautiful couple and it does show that God comes first in your lives.

I know exactly how it feels to be the one that is talked about, so just hang in there. It does hurt but I figure if they're talking about me they're leaving someone else alone.

God Bless you both and I love you!

Sulayne said...

Very well written! I pray that you will soon have closure on this awful situation. I love you both and am so happy that you've found each other.

Christina said...

Guarantee that if I ever find out who did this I will beat the living crap out of them :-) no joke...

The Tibbs World said...

Chris & Megan,

I am brought to tears when I think of someone at CIC who is willing to hurt other members. Brian and I have stressed about this situation for months now and will be pleased when this entire problem comes to an end.

I love you both. I truly hope that people will feel free to come and talk to Brian if they have problems with other members. It is his job to deal with matters that take place in our church. (And he does a good job at it!) If this person had only come to him first instead going down this path people (many people) wouldn't have had to go through the pain that has been caused.

Our church is known for its loving and caring people. I hope this person hasn't changed that for any member. We will continue to pray about this situation and for this person.

They need to remember that God deals justly with those who hurt his children.


Rachel said...

Yikes! That really stinks. But I admire the way that you are handling the situation.

Anonymous said...

hey guys, First time posting on your site, just wanted to let you guys know that things happen for a reason positive or negative, and how we handle them touches the lives of others. Stay focused and do the right thing and keep practicing what you're preaching and that will hopefully shame this person into confessing someday down the road. Good Luck!!

Jessie said...

Dang Gina!!!! I know it's kinda childish, but I wanna see Christina beat somebody up... let me know when it happens! :-)

I joke, I joke! kinda!

But for real... God knows our hearts, ALL of our hearts!

Anonymous said...

It's really unbelieveable that this is all going on within your church. Very sad.

1 Th 5:11

"Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing."

Anonymous said...

That last comment was from me-Ryan.

Matt Jessica and Jackson said...

I am so sorry that you two have to go through something like this at this special time in your life. Keep you heads high. Trust me God puts you through hard times to truely test your faith. God bless you two!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let everyone out there in cyberspace know that the vast majority of people in our church are loving, edifying believers. As the Bible says, in every house there are vessles of honor and dishonor. Even the 12 disciples had a back-stabbing betrayer in the midst (and they were hand-picked by Christ!). I love Charlestown Indpendent Church and can't imagine ever wanting to Pastor or even be amember anywhere else--many there are heroes of my faith, and closer to me than my own flesh and blood. The Lord will work this out and, if this person is indeed a part of our church, either bring them to repentance or deal with their sin of divisiveness by his light and discipline; and His Church will march on to do even greater things for the glory of His name.
Pastor Brian Tibbs
PS For all who are feeling a little down, you've got to be at CIC for my sermon this coming Sunday--it's a real motivational picker-upper!

Anonymous said...

Read Karen Hooser's blog for "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say. She points out how cool it is that God caused the person who attempted these divisions nefarious purposes to fail. I'm convinced that someone who would "frame" people, etc. is not just mentally disturbed, but actually under demonic influence, since Satan is the author of such diabolical schemes. Let's pray for this person to be freed from his power! Thankfully, God has defeated every attempt by this person to break people apart and has instead drawn folks even tighter together.
Pastor Brian
PS-I also was a recipient of one of the anonymous letters...and all that did was help us in our investigation of the ones coming to Megan and Chris...and to blow apart the "frame" job. God is so "cool"!