Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

josh's surgery

Josh broke his finger at his basketball game on Friday. He had to have 3 pins put in his finger yesterday. He's not in too much pain because he's all drugged up on vicodin. He's actually been pretty comical! Josh is hilarious without drugs...so just use your imagination. My Dad took this picture of Josh on his cell phone right before he went into surgery. He was feeling a little loopy...
Also- Happy Birthday, Uncle Mark! Hope you have a good one :)


Mark said...

Is Josh flexing before surgery? Or was he already doped up? Tell your Dad that he will always be older than me, and that he will always LOOK older than me. He called earlier today, and tried to imply that you or Josh thought that I looked older than him. Maybe it was Josh (maybe it was the Vicodin!).

The Cox Family said...

Will be praying for you Josh!

chris and megan said...


I know that Josh was doped up at that point. When I asked him if he was trying to flex in this picture he replied, "Uh...I don't know. I don't remember!" Ha! And I will be sure to relay the message to my Dad ;)


Anonymous said...

Josh, I think you are sooooo handsome in that picture! I love the new hair do!!!! SWEET!!!! jenny