Nothing too out of the ordinary happened today...but I am feeling really thankful. I thought I would share with you some of the things that I am really thankful for today. A few of these might seem small and insignificant to some, but they really made my day...
- When I arrived at school today, I was informed that my school was closed down for the day because they had no power. As horrible as this sounds...that was the first really great thing that happened today!
- For dinner, I went to Kansai with my Mom and Dad. I had a great time.
- I've been reading this book that is amazing. It's called The Five Love Languages. I finished reading it in one day. It discusses how not everyone's love language is the same...and how to speak your spouse's love language. The Family Christian Store has it as a member's book this week for $5.00! Great book...
- Church was great.
- Kenzie Cox had colored me a picture of Snow White and gave it to me at church. Isn't that sweet?!?
- Chris and I went to Coffee Crossing after church and spent some "quality time"--my love language ;)
- I don't have any homework tonight!! YEA!
Warning: It's about to get lovey dovey<3<3<3
- What I am most thankful for tonight is Chris. I want to take a moment to brag on Chris. I am so lucky to have Chris as my husband to be. He is so good to me. Chris knows that my love language is quality time and he does a great job of giving me just that. Like tonight---I know that Chris had a million things that he needed to get done, but he asked me if I wanted to go get some coffee and spend some time together. Most men wouldn't do that...but Chris makes time for quality time to show me that it's important to him. Chris got a phone call when we were at Coffee Crossing and he answered it and then asked if he could call them back. When I asked him why he did that he said, "Because I'm spending time with you right now and that phone call can always wait." That just melts my heart! I promise he came up with that on his own! I have never asked him to not answer his phone when were together or anything like that. But that was his way of showing me that what we were talking about right then was more important than a phone call. I could go on and on...but I've got to stop! I am very blessed. Thank you Chris for loving me so well.
ps. Please don't leave any negative comments like "you just wait till you've been married for 10 years..." I'm trying to enjoy the moment! :)
"Megan, you and "the boy" are very welcome for your pics. I enjoyed coloring them for you!
Kenzie Cox
Megan and Chris,
Thank you for having such a positive impact on my children. The love comming to church! And they won't settle for Mom's church on Wed's nights because they know that you sing on Weds. Thank you also for telling me the name of that book. I totally want to read it!
Dawn and Ryan
You just wait till you've been married for 10 gets better and better. Marriage is awesome!!! You are blessed.
Hey, (Maria), that's what I was about to say!! When you've got a good Christian man, and you are both in God's will, it does keep getting better and better! My Youth Group leader once said to think of a triangle with you and your spouse at the bottom angles and God at the top angle. The closer you get to God, the closer you will get to each other. I will never forget that visual.
Mike and I have been married for soon to be 15 years and we are more in love today than ever. WE are truly the best of friends. Marriage is the most wonderful thing in the world. I have truly found my "soul mate", the one person that God had made special for me!!! My life is soooo complete with Mike as my partner. Be best friends and keep God in your lives and I promise your marriage will last forever! I am so happy for you and Chris. I love you!!
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