Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, March 30, 2008

back to reality...

We got home around 6 o'clock tonight. As soon as we got home, Chris and I went to my Aunt Tina's to pick up Rufus. Rufus was definitely what I missed most about home! We had the BEST vacation EVER!!! The weather was beautiful. It didn't rain even once. Our days went like this: We would all sleep in and then eat breakfast...which was usually Krispy Kreme doughnuts mmmm. We we would all go our seperate ways at about 11:00am...Mom and Dad would go lay out by the pool. Josh and Brad didn't exactly have a routine. They hung out at the beach most of the time though. Chris and I would go lay out on the beach until about 3-3:30. Yes, you read that correctly...I talked Chris into laying out with me for 4 hours every day. That's love :)For those of you who don't already know this--Chris is very "aware of skin cancer"... that's the best way to put it. He wears sunscreen even in the winter. Get the picture?

Funny story really quick... Last year our family went to Florida on spring break. I never wear sunscreen on my legs, arms, back, or stomach because they tan really easily and don't burn. I DO put suncreen on my face, chest, and neck. One day I was talking to Chris on the phone before I went to lay out. Chris, being "very aware of skin cancer," asked me what number sunscreen I was putting on. I said a 4 on my face, chest, and neck. Chris asked, "Do you mean a 40?" I said, "No, a 4." He freaked out and thought I was crazy. Well, at least I thought it was funny :) After this vacation, I think Chris has joined me on the dark side...literally ;)

Back to our daily routine. So we would lay out until 3-3:30. In between flipping sides we would go for walks on the beach, feed the birds, and on our last day the ocean was warm enough for us to get in a little bit. In the evening we would all come back in, get ready, and go eat! We ate like pigs. The food was delicious! At night Chris and I would walk on the beach and listen to the ocean. It was beautiful! One night, we all played put put and that was a lot of fun too. Mom won. My Mamaw and Papaw King, Aunt Jennifer, and my cousins Robbie and Samantha were all in Florida too. So we met up with them for dinner a couple nights.

We had a wonderful Easter too. Chris and I gave each other our Easter baskets on Friday before we left because we didn't want to pack them! Mom and I went looking for her a dress for the wedding...no such luck.

I loved loved loved living with Chris. It was so much fun! I think it gave us a small dose of what it's going to be like in about 1 month and 1 week! I cannot wait! I feel like I'm already having withdrawals. But I just keep reminding myself that we will be on our honeymoon together very soon!

I have some video clips from vacation. I'll try to get them on here soon! I started to upload pictures but there are so many that I decided to put them all in a SLIDESHOW HERE. Here are a few I uploaded...

Hope everyone had a great week! Megan<3

1 comment:

Mrs. Wesely said...

Wow...It looks like you have a fantastic time. I bet it was a great jumpstart to the wedding tan!!