Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Easter Eggs

Mom and I went shopping after I got out of class today. We stopped and got a Starbucks too. My Mom and I are a lot alike when it comes to shopping--we aren't big fans, we can only handle it in small doses, and we like to know what we are going shopping for before we start! We have a lot of fun together.

I updated our wedding blog too.

Tonight Chris and I got together to decorate Easter eggs! I hadn't decorated eggs since I was really little. It was so much fun! Instead of boiling the eggs, we poked a hole on each end of the eggs and then we blew the yolk out. That way they last longer :) We will post the end results later because we didn't get to finish them tonight.


Laura Caruso said...

Haha, I made Michael do that with me and my mom last year. It was disastrous, but it was a blast!

Dawn Jenkins said...

How fun. At almost $3.00 a dozen, I sure hope you didn't waste the yolks. ;)

Anonymous said...

You guys are SICK!! Thats just not right! Looks disgusting too. Did you have scrambled eggs for dinner afterwards?? hee hee!!
Can't wait to see you this weekend. We are getting so excited for you and Chris and can't wait for your wedding day to get here! We love you!

p.s. bring over your eggs so I can see what you did to them!


Anonymous said...

awesome new song
