Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, March 15, 2008

our new couch

Chris' parents gave us money for Christmas and we have been looking for a couch to spend it on ever since! We would spend hours looking and never come to a decision. I don't know what came over Chris, but a couple weeks ago he went to a place in Louisville for the first time, saw this couch, and bought it! He surprised me with it yesterday. Chris has great taste ;) I LOVE it! It's the most comfy couch I think I've ever sat on. And he got a great deal...I'm all about getting a good deal. The color of it is called mocha...another reason to love this couch :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O.K. love the couch and love the colors!! Chris and I must think alike because I have both of those colors in my house too! Can't wait to come and visit you at your home. Hey, maybe you can cook us some dinner?????