When I was younger, it seemed like I was always coming across signs that reserved front-row parking spaces for pregnant women. When I became pregnant, I told Chris that I couldn't wait to park in one of those spots. We have not seen one in 32 weeks!
Last night we did our Sunday grocery shopping as always. It was so cold outside and the parking lot was covered in snow.
Megan: That front-row parking for pregnant women would be nice right about now.
Chris: Yea.
Megan: I'm starting to think they did away with it or something ... ?
Chris (with a very sad face): That's just our luck. They'll probably do away with handicap parking right after I become handicapped too ...
My husband never stops making me laugh :)
Yesterday we went to my parent's house for dinner. After dinner, Chris and I picked up his dad's truck and we got Lincoln a big rug for his room. It's cream and it's super soft! I think he will love playing on it. We're really starting to work on Lincoln's room now. We have less than 8 weeks left! I'm pretty sure we're going to paint his room this weekend. We will post pictures as soon as his room is finished.
i didn't know they ever existed in the first place.. thats crazy.
i'll have to ask my mom or grandma about them.. wouldn't ya know it..our generation gets screwed out of everything. haha
I love that sign!
I'm pretty sure the Green Tree Mall still has them ...I'm thinking by JC Penney's & on the Sear's side, too. They really came in handy when I was pregnant with Micah because Rhett was still so small. It was nice to be close to the store. It was called "Stork Parking."
I never got to park in one while being pregnant with Brookly, but a few weeks ago, Mamaw Hammond was having surgery at Clark Memorial and I found one!
It was so nice especially because I'm pregnant and have a one year old. Hopefully you'll never have to use one at a hospital though. And I think Sue is right, I believe Greentree Mall still has them.
Maybe we should go shopping one day just to find the stork parking. :)
Penney's has them and our church does (but I guess that wouldn't be of help to you)
I was able to use them a few times..only not the cute preggy girl...they had a stork on them..I guess the "stork parking" like mentioned above.
that is so funny..tell Chris it will be every handicap person with exception of people named Chris..that would be his luck :-)
Just to confirm: the stork parking is at the main enterance of the Green Tree Mall
They still have stork parking at my church (Northside) and at Green Tree Mall, right outside the Sears entrance that's near the portrait studio :)
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