Butterfly Sparks Designs

Saturday, January 24, 2009

get cozy ...

Get cozy because this is going to be a looong post. I haven't updated in a week and I have lots to say. The craziness began on Tuesday but I'd like to say a few things before I start in on that day. I have LOVED being pregnant. I love being able to feel Lincoln move all day long. I love it that he's with me at all times. I love feeling him hiccup. I love talking and singing to him. I love how people have just been more friendly in general because I'm pregnant--smiling a lot more, opening doors, offering to help constantly. I love Lincoln to pieces already. I am so thankful that God has chosen me to carry him and be his mother. I tell you all of this because I don't want what I'm about to say to come across as though I've not enjoyed being pregnant or that I'm not thankful having been blessed with a baby. I know lots of women would give their right arm to have what I have now.
With all that said, I am ready for Lincoln to be here and for me to not be pregnant! I will miss some things about being pregnant, but there are several things I won't miss. I won't miss not being able to really get in shape. I won't miss not being able to diet, whiten my teeth, or tan. These things may sound crazy to some of you, but if you've been pregnant I'm sure you've had moments where you felt pretty blah. Chris has been exercising like a mad dog here lately and is all about getting into shape, which is great for him! But in all honesty, I kind of hate it ... my belly is getting bigger by the second, I'm puffy everywhere else, I can't go to the tanning bed so I'm pasty white, do you see what I mean? Can anyone else relate?!
Moving on-- Since my doctor okayed it, I made a hair appointment for me to get some color on Tuesday. I thought that it would be a feel-good experience for me. I don't know how, but I left that appointment with deep dark red hair and that is not what I had asked for. AHHH! I cried like a baby. I've had bad hair color before and not freaked out, but I think with all the feelings I was having prior to that it just made it worse. My sweet husband and mother tried to assure me that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was. I went back on Wednesday to get it fixed and several hours later I left with it looking better, but still not right. Here's a picture of my hair on the first day after washing it a bazillion times.
Wednesday night, Chris started feeling sick with a sore throat and a headache. Thursday, I woke up from a nap feeling very sick. I threw up twice and had a fever. So I called my doctor's office. Because their office was about to close, Dr. Riely asked me to go to the hospital. Chris left work and we got to the hospital around 5 p.m. They took me up to Labor and Delivery. Then, they hooked me up to a machine that showed mine and Lincoln's heartbeat. They did some blood work and found that my white blood cell count was high. While we were there they also told us that I was having pretty regular contractions but I wasn't feeling them at all. I was 1 cm dilated too. We were there for forever! We didn't leave the hospital until almost 10:00 p.m. It was awful. Neither of us had eaten hardly anything the whole day and we were starving. Chris was still feeling sick and we were both tired. We were there for so long because we had to wait on Dr. Riely to give them the okay to release me. Chris actually went and spoke with one of the nurses about what the hold up was :) Here are some pictures from our evening at the hospital. I'm sorry I look so scary, but I was tired, sick, and there's no need for me to mention my hair.

Here's Chris attempting to find something good on tv...no such luck.

We left looong after Chris took this picture...

Friday: Chris woke up with a horrible sore throat, headache, and a fever. So he stayed home from work. Dr. Riely ask that I come in first thing in the morning so I went to the doctor's office. They drew some more blood and my white blood cell count was still high, but it had come down quite a bit. That meant that I didn't have an infection of any kind and that my WBC had been up because I'd had a bug. They also measured Lincoln while I was there and he's back to measuring a couple weeks bigger than average again :) Chris and I layed around the house all night eating popsicles and watching movies. We both felt pretty pitiful.
Saturday: We're both still feeling sick. Since no over-the-counter medicines were helping Chris and he just kept feeling worse, we took him to the Immediate Care Center this morning. He has a sinus infection that has worked down into his lungs. Poor baby! They gave him some antibiotics and cough syrup. He's sleeping right now. I'm making vegetable beef soup for dinner and then we will probably lay around for the rest of the evening.
Please say a prayer that we both get to feeling better soon!
Also, we have an idea of who we might choose to be Lincoln's pediatrician but we wanted to hear who you all recommend first! Does anyone have a pediatrician that they love?


Beth, Joshua and Isabella said...

We love Dr. Howell - she's in the building behind Target in Clarksville (So. Indiana Pediatrics??). There's Dr. Ratterman and Dr. Morgan too and all three are wonderful. That was tough for us because we LOVED our person in Florida, but we've found one just as good. Always quick to get us in and very concerned about our issues.

Praying for you all... soon... soon.... soon... it will be over!

Laura Caruso said...

My pediatrician until...well, last year was Dr. Valentine. My brother had Dr. Gulley (sp?) at Southern Indiana Pediatrics. I love them, but then again I may be biased as I have never had another Dr. besides Dr. Valentine.

Jami said...

I second Dr Howell. She's great!! Hey, we have the same OB, why not the same pediatrician as well?

ginmommy said...

First of all I understand how you are feeling. I felt so yucky at the end of both of my pregnancies and just wanted it to be over with. The thing is though once it's over you'll miss it, but at least you'll be able to tan again!! Our ped., is Dr. Bahram Sepehri, on State St., in NA. He was also my ped growing up. He's WONDERFUL. Very gentle, caring and concerned..... hang in there, it will be over before you know it.

Jami said...

I wanted to write more last night, but steve was busy with his blog, anyway, you are right at the stage where you just want it to be over!!! And like Gretchen said you will miss being pregnant, but nothing is as good as having your baby in your arms. Look at it this way, at least your last full month is the shortest month of the year :)

Anonymous said...

Dr. Elsa Haddad

Aunt Chrissy said...

Megan, your hair could be green and I would still think you were the most beautiful person in the world. Not just on the outside but the inside too! Also, the feelings you are feeling are very normal. Every pregnant women has been in your shoes and I promise it will be over soon. The package that will soon come will make all the ups and downs worth it all! Hang in there, I love you!!

Anonymous said...

you have the most beautiful natural hair color in the world ....leave it alone lol guess who????

Michelle Baker said...

I like the red on you, I think it looks good! As far as being pregnant, I hated being pregnant all three times. Love the babies, hated the pregnancy - it was too hard on me health-wise. :( And we use Dr. Klaus Boel - he's in the Medical Arts building next to Clark Memorial. He's fantastic, always listens to me and never dismisses my concerns! And the kids adore him!

The Tibbs World said...

Don't worry, it will all be over soon. Don't feel bad about how you feel, I started feeling that way around the 4th month. Your body will return. With Brooklyn I was swollen for the last 4 months of pregnancy, but none at all with this one. Life will get good again, I promise!