Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, February 27, 2009

38 weeks

We went to the doctor today and everything went great! My blood pressure was normal. I had lost a pound! I can't remember the last time they told me I had actually lost weight! Lincoln's heartbeat sounded great. Dr. Riely said, "Well, you aren't going to be having a five pound baby," while she was measuring Lincoln. She said he was measuring two weeks bigger than average, and weighs about 7 or 8 pounds right now! He's a big, healthy boy :)

I am 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced, which is really good. Dr. Riely said that when she checked me, she could feel Lincoln's head putting quite a bit of pressure and that he was low. No wonder it's so painful to walk around! Dr. Riely said to make sure our bags were packed and to go straight to the hospital if I started having regular contractions. I can't believe that at any time, I could go into labor!

I got about two hours of sleep last night, so I'm going to go take a nap!


ginmommy said...

Oh boy, losing weight is always a sign that the end is near!!! Hold on tight momma, he's a coming soon :)

Sarah said...

Goodness what a great day to randomly pop in and read your blog! I am so excited for you and Chris!!

Love you!

The Tibbs World said...

Congrats. Sounds great.

Sulayne said...

I was going to say the same thing that "Ginmommy" said. I always lost a pound or two about a week before delivery!! It's so exciting!!