Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Born to hunt?

We only have 2 weeks and 5 days to go and everyone is getting really excited ... my dad included. We were both surprised when we got to my parent's house to find this camo onesie my dad had bought for Lincoln. I think he's hoping to brainwash Lincoln into loving hunting as much as he does :)

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a few days! Our doctor's appointment went great! My blood pressure was normal. Dr. Riely said that Lincoln had definitely dropped and his head was low. He hadn't grown much since our last appointment, so an ultrasound to check his size wasn't necessary. We see Dr. Riely again on Thursday and I can't wait to see how we're progressing!


The Tibbs World said...

Appointment on the 26th? I got one that day. Let me know what time and maybe we can get together. Let me know.

Aunt Chrissy said...

This doesn't surprise me at all with your dad. I do have to say that the outfit is cute. You never know Lincoln just might out hunt his papaw.

Wonderful World of Audrey said...

MEGAN... ive come to the wonderful world of blogging.... i need you to help me majorly bc im lost though!!!! i need a map!!! and i think that little linc is gonna need some workboots to match that onsie!!! ill get right on it!!! :)