Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

good news!

I wasn't feeling too good over the weekend. I called the doctor's office Monday morning and they asked me to come in. The first time they took my blood pressure, it was high. They had me lay down for fifteen minutes and when they took it the second time, it was normal. Because my blood pressure went down, it ruled out their theory of me possibly having Preeclampsia! They said my blood pressure is doing what is normal at the end of a pregnancy. They told me to take it easy and sent me home. We are thrilled! The nurse practitioner also meausured Lincoln and he was meausuring half an inch smaller than the last time. I asked how that could be and she said it was probably from him dropping further into my cervix. They asked that we keep our appointment for Friday. So Chris and I will be seeing Dr. Riely on Friday!

With everything that's been going on, I think Chris and I are both feeling the urge to get everything completely ready for Lincoln's arrival. Last night, we ran errands and we marked off almost everything on our to-do list! I love making lists ... but more than that, I love marking things off the list!

I made a new recipe last night called Lemon-Garlic Chicken with rice and broccoli. It was so good! After dinner, we went to Wal-mart and bought all of those embarrassing items that no one wants to buy :) We also got some burp cloths and little things like that. Then we went to Old Time Pottery and bought some organizer baskets to go on the shelves on Lincoln's changing table. Our last stop was Hobby Lobby, where we found the perfect table/nightstand for Lincoln's room! And it was 30% off! Yea!

Chris' dad is coming over tonight to help us hang the clock in Lincoln's room and then his room will be completely finished! Well, I'm going to go try to get some housework done while I'm feeling energetic (that shouldn't last long). I'll hopefully post pictures of Lincoln's room tonight!


The Cox Family said...

thanks for the comment! hope things go well for the rest of your pregnancy. can't wait to see the final pics of lincoln's room!

Taurman Inc. said...

So happy to hear that you are better, take it easy. Rest now in a few weeks there will be little time to rest.