Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, February 26, 2009

hello belly, goodbye toes

Actually, my toes have been gone for awhile now :) I say this to Chris at least once every day now - "We're having a baby!!!" Sometimes I just can't believe it! In two days I will be 38 weeks pregnant. It has flown by.

We have an appointment with Dr. Riely tomorrow morning and I am so looking forward to it. I'm so anxious to know if I've dilated any more, if Lincoln's gotten any bigger, and all of that fun stuff!
I have been having contractions but they're not very regular. I'm having a difficult time sleeping at night. I didn't go to bed until about 6 o'clock this morning. I told Chris that I think it's probably my body's way of preparing me for the lack of sleep I'm going to get once Lincoln's born :)
Our nurse practitioner recommended that we either take a childbirth class at the hospital or do the childbirth videos at home. We chose to do the videos in the privacy of our home ... and I'm soo glad we did! The other night, Chris and I we're practicing our relaxation techniques where they have you lie in a comfortable position, take deep slow breaths, and focus on something relaxing in your mind. Chris seemed really relaxed ... and then he started twitching. He had fallen asleep! I guess he has that relaxation technique down!
I will be sure to blog after our appointment tomorrow!


ginmommy said...

AWHHHHH, you look great!!! I was thinking you might be the size of a house or something, not at all!! These last few days are the longest and yet the shortest days of your life. I'm sure you can't wait to meet your baby boy :)

Aunt Chrissy said...

Ciddy, you look GREAT!!! You look all belly and he seems all out in front. Just a little while longer and Lincoln will be with us! I can't wait. His Aunt Chrissy is going to spoil him BAD!! I love you guys!

Taurman Inc. said...

What an awesome photo. That's a cute belly , wait until #3's belly shots.

Leigh Ann said...

I am praying that Chris is relaxed in the birthing room but just in case, I will bring some smelling salts...........Who knows, I might need them as well!

Wonderful World of Audrey said...

meggie.... i love it.... apparently chris isnt having any trouble sleeping... ive got a feeling that at the dr this morning they are gonna tell u that HE IS COMING TODAY!!!! i sure hope so!!!!

The Tibbs World said...

You grow girl! hehe (I mean go!)

That was a good decision about doing it at home. We had a class at the hospital and Brian did fall to sleep. There was also one point that everyone was relaxing and I got the giggles. I wish we would have done it at home.

Hope all goes well with Dr. Riely today!

Anonymous said...

All four of you are going to be fine.(even your momma) And before you know it your belly will be back to normal(somewhat,haha) and once again you will be able to see your toes again. Love you all,Tina