Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, February 6, 2009

I have Cankles!!!

Today I'm 35 weeks and 1 day pregnant! Only 5 more weeks to go! I cannot wait! This week has been all about Lincoln's room. Monday I put together our glider and Lincoln's stroller while Chris was at work. I was so excited and I just couldn't wait :) I spent Tuesday and Wednesday organizing his room and putting all of our baby shower gifts away. My parents bought Lincoln his crib and mattress on Thursday! Thanks Mom and Dad! Chris and I put Lincoln's crib together Thursday night and oh my goodness ... I think we were both of the verge of losing our minds! It wasn't as easy as we thought it was going to be. The nursery is almost finished and then I'll post pictures :)

I haven't been feeling so great for the past week or so. The bottom half of my belly is extremely sore. My belly has also been itching like crazy! Think poison ivy ... but take it times ten! It's a horrible combo because I'm scratching my belly to try to relieve the itching and at the same time, it hurts so bad to touch it. Needless to say, I haven't been sleeping very good either. So I talked to Dr. Riely about these things yesterday at my weekly doctor's appointment, and she gave me a prescription that should help with the itching and also help me get some sleep! Yay!!! She told me I could use Benadryl cream on my belly to help with the itching too. I was SO happy! Lincoln was still measuring on the high side of normal. In other pregnancy news, a few days ago I noticed that my ankles began disappearing. I looked down today and they're officially gone. I believe I now have what is called "cankles".

Chris and I went to Ruben's for date night and then we saw the movie Coraline in 3D. It was really good!

If this post doesn't make sense, it's because I'm on sleep inducing drugs and it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning. If you think I'M coo coo for coco puffs, let me just say that my husband just finished working out and is in the shower ... at almost 2 in the morning! I'm going to bed. GOOD NIGHT!!


Taurman Inc. said...

Five more weeks. Alright.

The Tibbs World said...

Well, it's about 3 in the morning and I'm leaving you a post! You can think my husband's snoring for this one!!!

I had a super itchy belly with Brooklyn. I literally scratched it until it started bleeding. Benadryl was my best friend by that point.

Soon it will all be over and your belly won't be itching, cankles will be gone, and you'll be holding your sweet baby boy.


Jami said...

You crack me up. I was up at three in the morning too last night thanks to my husband's snoring and the Claritin I took. Must be something in the air.

ginmommy said...

Oh man, cankles were the worst!! I got the point I could only wear one pair of slip on shoes, I looked like a FREAK!! Not much longer!! Hold on, it will go slow and it will go fast....

Tracey said...

I can't wait to see pictures of the nursery!!! Hang in there. All these fun things that go along with pregnancy go away really soon!!!!!