My aunt Chrissy and friend Audrey gave us an incredible baby shower on Saturday. They enlisted the help of my mom who made some of the food and helped set up, and Chris Morgan who made balloon arches and took the pictures below. We're super thankful for all the work they did. The shower was perfect! We were really surprised by how many people attended and by their generosity.
Adrienne & Company used our blog header as inspiration for this cake design. It was so good!

The shower was held in the Fellowship Hall at CIC.

Here's me with Chris' dad, Denny.

Chris with Jane Hammond.

Master balloonist, Chris Morgan.

Chris and Rachel Loy

A rare photo of Chris' mom, Kathy Birke. She rarely lets people take her picture.
Lots of presents for Lincoln.
That cake looks soon as I saw it I was like "hey..that looks like her blog header!" hehe
Oh my, I love the picture of your dad and the glasses and the kiss with poor little Dan. Everything was BEAUTIFUL and Lincoln will be here soon. I can't wait!!
I am so excited for you guys. It looked like the perfect baby shower.
You look wonderfully pregnant! I loved being pregnant, but am glad that I have my 2 girls and we aren't trying for anymore. Can't wait to see Lincoln.
Brian informed me that our kids will be 3rd cousins so there will be no marriage in the future due to the ick factor.
Adrienne & Company did our wedding cake. The cakes are so yum!! You look so beautiful enjoy the last days they will go by so fast.
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