Here's Lincoln looking up at Tina. The blanket he's wrapped up in is called a swaddler. Our friend Ruth bought it for Lincoln and it's one of our favorite gifts! We wouldn't get any sleep without it!
A few days ago my mom offered to watch Lincoln for us if we wanted to go out for date night. We took her up on that offer yesterday. We went to Ruben's for dinner and picked up a movie on our way home. We also got some coffee from the drive-thru at Coffee Crossing. It was so nice having some alone time with Chris :) It was easy to enjoy ourselves knowing that Lincoln was in great hands! Thanks mom!
Here's Lincoln with my mom right before we left.
I'm so glad to hear that date night is back. If anyone deserves it, it's you and Chris. I'm sure your mom (my sister)enjoyed babysitting for sweet Lincoln. When I found out that she was babysitting I called her cell phone and left her a message calling her a baby hogger! lol I get next Friday night or maybe me and Leigh Ann can share! lol
He is such a cutie-petutie(my new favorite word). I will always be there for you and Chris any time you need some time to yourselves. When you was little, I very seldom took the time away and I regret that because not only is it good for your marriage but it is also good for grandparents to get some alone time. Believe me, I had some serious snuggling going on while you were away. The good thing was he had to just lay there and take it. lol!!!!!!!!! Now, Chrissy, don't even mess with me. He is MY PRECIOUS! Seriously, I am so glad that Lincoln is surrounded by such love. He is a very lucky little guy (my lucky link, born on St. Patty's Day}!
p.s. You both need a weekend away.
dont forget mine and brittanys turn!!!!!!! :)
Date Night is the best. My in-laws watch Cooper a lot, but rarely for times when we just want to be alone. It is important, we did it last night as a matter of fact. I'm glad you guys enjoyed yourselves.
It took me like two month before I could leave Brooklyn. It is hard that first time away, but I know your mom did a wonderful job, she is totally in love with that boy.
I can't wait to see him again!
Im so happy you guys are doing so great!!! Lincoln is adorable and I'm planning to come by tomorrow to see him!!! Love you all and miss you bunches!!!! :)
I'm glad you are continuing Date Nights! That's one thing Tony and I always hold sacred. Tony's mom does a wonderful job giving up her weekends for us! Like Leigh Ann said, Sharon also cherishes her alone time with her grandkids as well! BTW, we went to the Chris Tomlin concert Friday night and had a wonderful time ... wish you all could have joined us!
lincoln is sooooooo Gorgeous ! Sorry to hear your labor was so tough, but so glad you are doing so great now :) I also agree that seeing our hubbies become daddies open up a new way to love them...and see God's love for us in a new way too ! Looking really forward to more pics of your sweet blessing and seeing him in person too!!!
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