Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, March 8, 2009

false alarm

We thought yesterday was going to be THE day. Dr. Riely had told us to go straight to the hospital if I had contractions five minutes apart for an hour. Well, I started having strong contractions every 5 minutes around 4 p.m. After two hours had went by and they we're still coming strong, we decided to go to the hospital. As soon as they hooked me up to the monitor, they could see that my contractions we're coming strong and regularly. The nurse told us that she was pretty certain we would be having a baby that night! We were soo excited. Chris was totally calm and so sweet too. They told us it would still be awhile, so we decided against calling everyone to the hospital. The on-call doctor wanted them to watch me for two hours and then check me to see how I was progressing. Towards the end of those two hours, the contractions started to let up. The nurse said they were still coming about every 2-7 minutes but just not as hard. The on-call doctor decided to let us go home, but warned us that we might me back in a couple hours! The nurse also told us that we wouldn't be needing our doctor's appointment we had scheduled for Friday. I hope she's right!

Right before they released us, my contractions started to pick up again on the monitor. It was quite the rollercoaster. The nurse gave me some sleeping pills to help me sleep through the contractions. Last night's sleep was probably the best sleep I've had in 9 months! I woke up today, and my contractions are still coming but they are hardly noticeable. We are both kind of bummed that he didn't come BUT we only have 5 DAYS until our due date! I think we will manage :) Lincoln is either very comfy in my womb, or is wanting to be fashionably late. We love our baby boy so much and are so eager to meet him. I'm hoping he's just like his daddy. Something good that came from our hospital visit was that we got all of our paper work filled out so we won't have to do that when we go back or the bazillion questions they asked me either!

We will keep you posted ... or hopefully Maria is the next one to update you! :) Keep all of us in your prayers!


Taurman Inc. said...

He is already playing with you. We know someone who had a baby boy yesterday. He was only 6 lbs 3oz and 18 inches long. She was due a few days after you.

Laura Caruso said...

Ok this is driving me crazy! I keep looking at your blog like once every 5 minutes. Come on Lincoln! We can't wait to meet you any longer!