Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm carrying a toddler :)

Our doctor's appointment this morning went great! My blood pressure was good. I had lost another pound. I hadn't dilated anymore. Dr. Riely measured Lincoln and he was measuring at 42-43 cm, when he should be measuring at 39 cm! So, they had us do an ultrasound to get an idea of how much he weighs. They said that ultrasounds can sometimes be off by a pound or two, but she didn't think that was the case for us because they could see him so well to measure him. It looks like he weighs about 8 lbs and 10 ounces right now! When I called Kathy she said, "I hear you're having a toddler!?" :) Dr. Riely was okay with him being that size, and didn't think it was necessary to induce. We're just happy that he's healthy.

After our doctor's appointment, me and my mom got pedicures! It was soo nice. I'm not about to put a picture of my swollen feet on here. You'll just have to take my word for it that my toenails look pretty :) This was my mom's first pedicure! Now our toenails will look good for Lincoln's arrival...ha!


Leigh Ann said...

That was so much fun! You deserved every minute of that pampering. When I looked over at your poor little feet.......it made me sad. It will all be over soon enough and the journey begins. You are truly an angel sent from heaven and I've been so blessed to be able to call you daughter, and soon mommy........I love you

Taurman Inc. said...

I am glad you were able to get a pedicure. I got one just a week before Braeleigh was born. They treated me like a queen, it was awesome. Of course I wanted my toes looking great and I had many compliments about them in the hospital. I am sure you will too. It's getting so close. I know you and Chris are just antsy.