The doctor's office called this afternoon and said that Dr. Riely wanted to see me today. Dr. Riely monitored Lincoln's heartbeat and movement for awhile to make sure everything was okay with him. He looked great. She also checked me and I had dilated another centimeter. Then, she told us the GREAT news---if Lincoln doesn't come on his own within the next couple days, we will definitely get to meet him by Monday! She is going to induce me Monday morning. YEA!!! We are so excited! It's so nice having a date set. I'm going to try to relax and enjoy my last few days being pregnant :)
Please pray that we have a safe delivery and a healthy baby boy!
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1 year ago
Megan good luck on your delivery. I'm praying for a breeze for you.
I am still hoping for Sunday but I know your ready last weeek;)
I will be praying too! I am soooooooo excited for you !!! :)
I've been rooting for the 16th all along. It's my birthday, too. I know all will go well, enjoy the ride!
Congrats! I got induced with Elijah. It's a great experience. I wish you the best of luck and I am sure he will be a healthy and beautiful baby boy.
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