Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

still no baby

When we left the hospital Saturday night, we thought for sure (along with the nurses) it would only be a day at the most before we would be back at the hospital having Lincoln. Little did we know, we would get home and my contractions would all but stop! We have a feeling we will be keeping our doctor's appointment for Friday. We're also thinking that Dr. Riely will probably be scheduling for me to be induced ... which we're fine with at this point.

I know you know how much I love Lincoln and how thankful I am to be pregnant, but I've got to tell you ... the last month = rough. My feet and hands are massive. I've had a backache for the last month, that doesn't go away. My swelling has worked it's way up into my legs. Now when I press on my shinbone, it leaves a dent. My hands and wrists ache (from the swelling). I'm not sleeping ... and although I go to the couch when I can't, my poor husband isn't sleeping either! I think he's having sympathy pains. I have little to no energy. Being induced never sounded better! ha! There is a full moon on March 11th so maybe that will help me go into labor and an induction won't be necessary! :)


The Tibbs World said...

Girl I feel your pain!!! I'm so luck that the swelling has been little to none this time but with Brooklyn, shew! I didn't know my body could hold so much water.

We were scheduled to be induced on a Thursday but Brooklyn didn't last that long and hopefully Lincoln will feel the same and want to come!

Hang in there. He will be here before you know it.

Taurman Inc. said...

Sorry Megan I know it can be rough. Katrina was born at 42 Weeks exactly. A C-section after 29hours of labor and she is so worth it even today.

Wonderful World of Audrey said...

MEGGIE MEGGIE MEGGIE!!!!! i cant imagine how miserable you are at this point!!!! Brian, Maggie and I have been prayin for you.... Mom's been givin me ideas to tell you to make him come sooner.... I wont bother passin those on, at this point Im sure you've tried em all... But the offer to go out on the 4 wheeler still stands... lemme know if you wanna take me up on that!!!! Love you (and Chris adn Lincoln and Rufus) bunches... lemme know if you need anything!!!!

Mark said...

A baby on Friday the 13th? He's gonna be a rascal!