Chris and I have been on a budget since we've been married and with that budget we also get allowances every two weeks. We are allowed to spend our allowances on whatever our little hearts desire. Normally what my little heart desires is coffee, movie rentals, tanning bed visits, and highlights. But a couple weeks ago I heard a commercial on the radio supporting a ministry called Compassion International.
Compassion focuses on spiritual, physical, economic and social needs of children. They encouraged listeners to sponsor a child for $32 dollars a month. I looked into their ministry and it's everything they claimed to be. There are several music artists who support Compassion International---Michael W. Smith, Rebecca St. James, Caedmon's Call, and Point of Grace are just a few. I felt awful when I thought about how I've been spending my allowance, when I could have been helping a child in need and still have allowance left over. Although I still plan on getting an occasional coffee, tanning, renting movies, and highlights ... what my little heart desires is helping a boy named Juan Xavier.
Juan was born on July 1, 2005 and is three years old. He lives in Brazil with his father and his mother. He helps his family by running errands. For fun, Juan enjoys playing with cars, art and walking. Chris and I looked at many children and we just wanted to sponsor all of them! Each child's biography told some of their favorite things to do, and we thought it was so sweet that one of Juan's favorite things to do is walking. How precious! We plan on writing to Juan and sending him pictures often. I'm going to start praying for this child as if he's a part of our family and I hope you will pray for him too!
I'm not trying to guilt anyone into sponsoring a child. I admit that I had seen tons of commericals on the tv and radio about sponsoring children and I would think, "Oh, that's sad," and it wouldn't enter my mind again until the next time I heard a commercial. I hadn't ever felt moved to do something about it until we had Lincoln and now it just breaks my heart. If you would like to sponsor a child, click here. You can sponsor a child for only $32 a month and they will receive:
nutritional supplements
clean water, as needed
Bible teaching and learning about God's love
medical checkups
Encouragement from you — you can write to your child and even visit your child on a sponsor tour!
I will definitely keep you updated on this!
Check out withoutwax.tv
Pete Wilson is a pastor in Tennessee who is challenging his church to change the world. He recently traveled to India with Compassion. You might search his blog for more info.
does this mean i am his grandpa toooooooo????? lol
I didn't know you were anyone's grandPA?
hehe :)
Our family sponsors a little girl that's really close to Micah's age named Nisha. She lives in Bangledesh (sp??). It's a great experience for a family to do together!!
When we were in Peru, you were able to meet the child you sponsored, if they were within a few hours...the girls on my team who were able to do this were so overjoyed! I know God will bless you and your family for being such a blessing for Juan and his <3
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