Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, June 29, 2009

The gum show

This ...

+ this ...

+ this ...

= Lincoln is teething ... big time.

And this ...

+ this ...

+ this ...

is what we're doing about it.

Poor baby has cried pretty much non-stop the past couple days. He hasn't had a good night's sleep in a few days now, and I think that's affecting his our mood as well. My sweet, super servant, husband just offered to take Lincoln to the park so I could get some rest. I should do some housework but I think I'm going to take a nap instead, while I can!


Tracey said...

Although it would look pretty funny, there were many days that I wished Levi had been born with teeth! It would have made life so much easier!! LOL ;) Hang in there.

Dawn Jenkins said...

Teething tablets are amazing. They are all natural and work much better than the orajel. Good luck, Ellie had a whole mouth full by 9 months.

Moms On The Go said...

My little guy is teething to, it is sad:)

The Royal Family said...

tylenol never did any good for my teether, I had to use motrin, it last longer anyway! good luck!