Butterfly Sparks Designs

Friday, June 5, 2009

teething, fabric softener, and The Coupon Lady

For the past few days Lincoln has did nothing but scream. His gums are swollen and he's been drooling like crazy. We're pretty sure he's teething. So yesterday we got him some baby Orajel and he's been soo much better ever since. Because I can hardly stand to put up a post without his sweet face in it, here's a picture of him sucking his thumb.

Chris and I took Lincoln into the Cracker Barrel gift shop yesterday. While we were there, a woman introduced herself and told us that she reads our blog. At the time, I was pretty sure I had never met her, but I have! She was at my one year birthday party and she's also on my birthday video! Hi Marilyn!

Now, let's talk fabric softener. Last night I made my first batch of homemade fabric softener! It was so fun and it smells delish! I haven't used it on my clothes yet, because I haven't done any laundry in a month today. I plan on making some homemade clothes soap soon too. I'll let you know how that goes!

A person, who shall remain nameless, was talking to me the other day about my sponsoring children and making fabric softener ways, and they said I was trying to save the world. hehe If I was truly on a save the world kick, I would start by gathering all of the hair in our shower drain, my hair brush, and bathroom floor and donate a strawberry blonde wig to Locks of Love. I know women shed a lot of hair after they give birth, but come on! This is out of control.

On to another topic---Today my mom and I ran a few errands together, which got me thinking about her. My mom is what I like to refer to as The Coupon Lady. I'm pretty sure she has an endless supply of coupons that never expire in her purse. She has coupons for everything imaginable. "What? You're buying a pair of rainboots? Here...I have a coupon for buy one pair of rainboots, get another pair free!" I don't think we've ever went to the mall together without her and I both coming out with a pair of free panties from Victoria Secret! Side note--Before I get hounded by all of the blogworld beasts out there, I DO NOT like the way VS advertises their products, but a girl needs underclothes and who can pass up a free pair! End of story. Anyways---I don't know how she does it, but I love it and I think it's absolutely hilarious. My mom is not easily angered, but if you ever want to see her in action, just become a cashier and turn down one of her coupons. I can't count on one hand how many times my mom ordered me to "Just go wait in the car," because it was about to get awkward at the register :) Love. my. mom.

Well, I think that's enough randomness for one post.



Leigh Ann said...

I am laughing because I know that you are slowly turning in to me and there is nothing you can do about it. Actually, it gives me a lot of joy to see what a beautiful person you are and you are your own individual. I love you......

Taurman Inc. said...

Hey Megan, I would like the fabric softener recipe. I am already saving oodles on laundry soap so this would complete the package.

Beth, Joshua and Isabella said...

Yes - recipe please... and Hyland Teething Tablets rock and they are homeopathic. :-)

Mrs. Wesely said...

Your mom sounds like my mom...we had several "wait in the car" moments growing up.


Sulayne said...

My mom was never the coupon cutter kind of mom, so I love reading tips on how to save money. I, too, would love to see your recipes for clothes soap and fabric softener.

aunt Chrissy said...

Meg, you are a great writer and you can bring such light into any story, no matter what it is. The one of your mom is soooo true! lol She is the coupon Queen and could teach us all somethings on how to save. I loved the pic of Lincoln sucking his thumb. Give that boy a hug and kiss from Aunt Chrissy! Love you all bunches!!

Sulayne said...

Okay, so this may sound like a stupid question, but where do you buy the oil to add as scent to the fabric softener? I was waiting for my current Downy to become empty before trying to make my own and it's almost there. Thanks! Just e-mail me where to buy at skaelin@sbcglobal.net