Happy birthday to my sweet sister-in-law, Andrea. I am so thankful to see your face when I walk into a family event because, I believe, we are kindred spirits. At Christmas, I don't need to explain to Andrea my compulsion for cleaning up everyone's torn wrapping paper after we finish opening presents. She understands. When exposed to quirky "Birkeisms" (which shall remain nameless) I am positive that Andrea and I have the same baffled look on our faces. When one of the Birke boys suggests playing laser tag again, I totally relate for why she's suddenly exhausted. When loud "discussions" break out between family members, I totally see why Andrea suddenly becomes engrossed in the 1,200 page novel she just so happened to bring with her.
Hope you have a great day, Andrea!
**I hope you don't mind I stole this photo from your Facebook :)
Happy birthday, Andrea! I hope David takes you some place nice.
Happy B'day!!!
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