Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

I recently did a post about how much I like Jack The Pumpkin King. I am proud to show you that Lincoln also is a fan as demonstrated by his new pajamas.


Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

O MY SOUL... cuteness

Tracey said...

A-dorable!!! He needs to be entered in a Halloween contest! :)

AKat said...

Ha. Hahaha! HAhahahaha!
This is HILARIOUS, y'all.
My husband thought it was cool.
Of course, Lincoln is the cutest little skeleton around!
Where on earth did you find this?

Dawn Jenkins said...

Too cute. Love it.

Leigh Ann said...

Thats the sweetest skeleton I have ever seen. Give him kisses for me....

Susie said...

That is to precious.

Anonymous said...

His PJs came from Old Navy. I think they were just over $10. Last night we learned that the bones GLOW IN THE DARK!
