I mentioned in Lincoln's 6 month post that he loves his Praise Baby Video: Praises and Smiles. I love it
almost as much as he does. The video has tons of good songs. A few of my favorites are
I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever, You Are My All in All, and Wonderful, Merciful, Savior. There's something so sweet about walking into our bedroom and seeing Lincoln so happy, listening to songs about God. I highly recommend it to all you mom's out there!

Here are some pictures I took of Lincoln while he was watching Praises and Smiles.

I know this picture is a little blurry but I couldn't resist posting it ...

I am loving the pictures of Lincoln (especially the second to last one)!!
Love em !! Check out Chasity's youtube pagehttp://www.youtube.com/SinginForGod
Let me know if Lincoln likes the this little light/better days one :)
The pictures are so cute. He is growing so fast.
Praises and Smiles was Neil's very first Praise Baby! I remember popping it in and getting teary-eyed, getting to worship with my baby. I LOVE this one out of all of the Praise Babies we've watched.
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