Can I digress for a moment to tell you that story? I can? Why, thank you! I just love monologuing ... to myself.
Back to the story. I had suspicions that I was pregnant but I would convince myself otherwise. "Surely not! We've only been married a little over a month! I just have the flu."
I finally decided enough was enough. I drove to the nearest Kroger, prayed that no one would see me, and purchased a pregnancy test with some of my allowance money. Yes, Chris and I get allowances every other week. But I digress again. Of course, I locate the pregnancy tests and they're locked safely behind the pharmacy counter. Great. I'm not sure why, but I about had an anxiety attack when I realized I was going to have to ask the pharmacist for a pregnancy test.
I finally make it home and rush to the bathroom. Those 3 minutes felt like an eternity. I look down and there is one dark pink line, and a barely visible second line. I check the box. One line, you're not pregnant. Two lines, you are pregnant. I look at the picture of what they say pregnant looks like and my lines don't look like that. Am I pregnant or not?
After I finally pick my jaw up off the floor and stop staring at the pregnancy test, I call my doctor's office and they scheduled me an appointment for that day. Turns out my second line wasn't dark because I was only 2-3 weeks pregnant. I leave there, go straight to Target, and purchase a book of baby names. I hurried home, made dinner and pulled out the red plate. As soon as Chris walks in the door, he notices that the red plate is sitting on his side of the table.
Chris - "Who's using the red plate?"
Megan - "You are."
Chris - "Why would I be using the red plate today?"
Megan - "Because you're special today!"
Chris - "Why am I special today?"
Megan - "Because you are."
Chris - "Are you special today too? Did I forget something? Is this a special occasion? Did I forget some kind of anniversary?"
After this goes on for a while, I talk Chris into sitting down and eating his dinner :) I hand him the present. He opens it, and looks up at me. "That is why you're special today," I say. His reaction couldn't have been more perfect. He was surprised, overjoyed, and probably a little confused as I was. It was wonderful.
So yes, I love my red plate. And I love plates in general. Here are a few of my favorite things {plates} ...
My red plate!

The rest of these plates, unfortunately are not mine. But I like to pretend they are. And I like to wish on shooting stars that they will magically appear in my cabinets. And I like to look at pictures of them on the internet.
Oh how I love these Happy Birthday plates. You're probably thinking, "Isn't that what the red plate's for?" My answer to you is no. The red plate is for the birthday person. These plates would be for everyone else!

12 Days of Christmas Plates

Chris told me I could do this in our kitchen! Vintage dishes, lookout because I'm coming for you!



Thanks a lot, Ruth. I blame this on you.

I have to admit, I am obsessed with plates as well. I would love to have a different set of plates for each season! Right now, we have our normal plates, china and Christmas dishes, but I am searching for the perfect fall or Thanksgiving set. I have never seen birthday cute! I may have to add those to my list!
As a side note, last week, I saw black and white dishes at Hobby Lobby that were similar to the ones you have posted!
Love the story...I like the birthday plates too! (I like chargers that go under plates...weirdo!)
ahh - fun story... now you should tell us how you told your parents?
I think you know this already, but we got a red plate for our wedding too. I love the idea of that tradition. Our "plate" is a whole place setting. I love the idea of the tradition but we haven't pulled it out very often. You've inpired me to use it more for our special events. :)
I also love the birthday plates!!
I love the red plate idea! Great story about how you told your husband too! My daughter's first birthday is coming up and I'm thinking I need a special plate for her.
Oh My! Where did you get those plates (both sets) I love them...I too am addicted. Love the vintage plate idea also - thank you so much for sharing!
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