A few days later, a retired school teacher was giving us the grand tour of her 1930 tutor-style house. She should have been a realtor. We left believing we had to have it. Of course, that meant we had to sale our home.
"We can do this," we convinced ourselves as we were writing out our to-do list to get our house ready for the market. I jotted down "clean up the basement" believing it would be just one of the many small tasks I had to do in pursuit of our dream. On a Saturday morning, I jumped out of bed and began filling boxes. I carried up about a dozen and took them to Goodwill. Then I finished painting the dark brown paneling, a project that I'd started weeks before Lincoln was born. I also dismantled an old ping pong table and drug it up the steps.
By now, days had gone by and I was itching to cross off that first item on the to-do list. In the meantime, the house of our dreams could have been sold to someone else. We had to keep moving. Megan and I tackled the bathroom that connects to our bedroom. "Strip the ugly wallpaper" sounds easy enough when you're reading the words on a list. But it is not easy. I was thankful to go to my day job while Megan began drenching the paper with chemicals. I was also thankful that I wasn't around for her discovery of a second layer of even more hideous wallpaper, a green and gold floral print.
The trials kept coming but we didn't give up hope. We scraped, sanded, puttied and painted, sometimes until 2 a.m. At times, Megan told me that I was getting "a wild look in my eyes." She may have been right. I do recall one late night when Megan suggested we stop. "This can wait until tomorrow," she reasoned. "Wait until tomorrow!" I snapped. "There may not be a tomorrow for our dreams!"
Yeah, I was getting a little obsessed. I admit that now, but luckily sanity returned after a visit from our plumber. Another item on our to-do list was to get a pipe checked out. It drips in the basement when we use the shower in our bathroom. For that reason, we always use the other shower. The plumber informed us that to fix the problem all of the tile on the shower floor would have to be ripped up and a board underneath would have to be replaced. In other words, it was going to be a monstrous and costly job. He said I could save on the expense by ripping the tile out myself with a crowbar. I wanted to scream: "Do you not realize that my back already feels like it's broken in half. Can you not see that God didn't design me for manual labor?"
Needless to say, the news was the straw that broke my will to sale our house. It's just way too much work. Staying right here is now our dream.
On the plus side, our once cluttered basement is now cleaned up and painted.

Great story. I guess God doesn't want you in the moving market right now. The house is looking pretty awesome. We all need to pretend that we are going to have strangers looking through our house and judging it. Wow, that might get me movitvated. NOT!
Maybe you could still find a buyer that would purchase your house with a leaky pipe. People do buy houses in worse shape. It sounds like you already put so much work into this dream so why stop now? If you really want it, go for it! However, maybe these difficulties are just warning signs that you shouldn't move (old houses can be troublesome).
I'd be happy living anywhere with you. Love you {xoxo}
Sometimes our dreams are not in God's plan. It's such a hard thing to deal with. I am sorry for you both. I am sure though that God has a much more awesome plan for your family. Trust and Obey.
Chris and Megan,
Just be patient and God will show you when it is time to move. On the upside your house now couldn't have looked better.
C & M-
We tried selling our house in Sellersburg THREE different times, thinking we needed something bigger, something newer, something WHATEVER. It never sold. Then, in Nov last year, it was not for sale & someone wanted to see it. A week later, they made an offer and we moved 6 weeks after that. God's timing was perfect and he orchestrated the sale very smoothly. Hang in there and savor every moment. Things change too fast anyways!!! :) Good luck!!
So sad to read the ping pong table is gone. Now you'll never have a chance to beat the world champion!!
P.S. Basement looks lovely!
It took a flooded basement to do a much needed cleaning of our storage area in our basement! ha! Tony teased me and said, "Well, this is one way to get me to go through my old stuff!"
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