Jim and Pam from The Office got married Thursday night. Chris and I have been watching this show for a couple years now, and we recently got my parents hooked. They took it to a whole new level when they threw a party to celebrate Jim and Pam's nuptials. It was so much fun!
Mom opted for a buffet style reception
Lincoln thought the episode was hilarious. His favorite character is Andy.
You have to watch this video. I mean, please watch this video. It's only 3 minutes and it will be well worth your time :)
The Wedding Critic LOVED IT!! I posted it on my facebook tonight after watching the video a million times. I almost put it on my blog but thought that Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration and Phyllis might be a little much for my parents!! Ha ha! I loved when Dwight kicked the bridesmaid in the face! And Oscar and Kevin! And the sweet secret wedding.
Um, okay. So I'm just tuning into your blog via Anna at Bless Our Nest, but seriously, can your family adopt me? (no offense to my awesome family, of course). A wedding party for Jim and Pam? That is pure awesomeness.
The Wedding Critic LOVED IT!! I posted it on my facebook tonight after watching the video a million times. I almost put it on my blog but thought that Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration and Phyllis might be a little much for my parents!! Ha ha! I loved when Dwight kicked the bridesmaid in the face! And Oscar and Kevin! And the sweet secret wedding.
I still haven't watched it yet. You're giving too much away :) Come on nap time.
Great times, great memories. Loving life......with all our friends and family. I cant wait til the next wedding...maybe Michael???????
OMG! That is so awesome! Your family is the coolest.
Um, okay. So I'm just tuning into your blog via Anna at Bless Our Nest, but seriously, can your family adopt me? (no offense to my awesome family, of course). A wedding party for Jim and Pam? That is pure awesomeness.
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