You can have table food now! We can't even begin to pick your favorite foods ... you love everything!
You still love watching Praise Baby and Enchanted.
You love playing hide and seek and Pat-a-cake.
You have 6 teeth now. You had 4 teeth come through on top this month!
You love music. If you really like a song, you will bounce as if you're trying to dance.
You are pulling up on everything.
You've been standing by yourself and you've even taken a step or two!
You know who Rufus is. I will say, "Where's Rufus?" and you look for him with your eyes until you find him!
You are wearing 18 months and 24 months clothes. You wear a size 4 diaper but I think we may be moving up a size here soon :)
You love Baby Mum Mums and you can feed yourself!
You love the Ding Ding song, How Do I Know (from Enchanted hahaha), Happy Working Song (Enchanted again), and when your Mimi sings "Stinkin' Lincoln"
You love bath time.
I think you look and act more and more like your Daddy every day.
You are very curious! You have to be able to see what's going on everywhere at all times!
We've been chasing you all over the house. You start going for the places that are off limits the moment we put you on the floor.
You have tons of hair and it's blonde.
You are really good at waving bye bye and high fiving now :)
You get sooo excited when your Daddy gets home from work.
You enjoy taking off your socks, and other people's socks too
You go to sleep around 7:30pm and wake up around 6am.
I rock and sing to you every night before you go to bed.
Your favorite toys are not toys at all. A few of your favorites are Mimi's Koolaid spoon, pots and pans, the basket that hold Rufus' things, remote controls, my makeup bag, and your froggy thermometer.
You have no idea how happy you make us, baby boy...
Time is flying by us and hard to believe that soon our little man will be 1. Wow..thats crazy! I love you Lincoln sooo much and hope that someday you will be close to me!!! I will turn you into a John Deere boy forsure!!!
Very sweet. I can totally understand the not staying still for pictures.
He's getting so big. What a cutie.
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