- Your favorite foods are peas, avocado, cheerios, green beans, and carrots.
- You can say Dadda, Momma, Bye Bye, No no no no, What?, Mimi, and Hi! Your daddy was often referred to as "Mouth" as a child and your mommy was often referred to as "The Mouth of the South", so I'm not sure why we're so surprised at your amazing talking abilities...heehee
- You are wearing a size 4 diaper.
- You weigh about 25 lbs.

- Your hair is the prettiest color. It's a sandy blonde and we love it!
- You are walking everywhere. Just yesterday you walked from one end of the room to the other! We can't believe it!
- You love bath time. You have every bath toy a child could ever want, and yet your favorite thing to play with is our foot scrubber. Silly boy ...

- You love it when you're daddy gets home from work. Your face lights up and you bounce up and down from pure excitement.
- You love to snuggle. You are always giving hugs and kisses. You are so tender!
- You and Rufus are becoming best friends. Rufus has taken the backseat ever since you were born. We haven't been playing with him as much as we used to, but you've picked up our slack. You throw him his toys and he loves it.
- You love playing hide and seek.

- You love music and you love to dance!
- You are wearing 18 months and 24 months size clothes.
- You have a real problem with being restrained in any way. You hate being in your carseat, getting dressed, and having your diaper changed.
We love you to pieces baby boy!!!!
That second photo... love it! One month to ONE that is crazy... time is going by too fast.
Cant believe its almost been a year. Wow, time has flew by. My sweet little Lincoln will be one and what fun is instore for all of us. I love you baby Lincoln! Your perfect in everyway!! :)
I love the pictures!!!! And it's so funny that he's playing with Rufus' bone and he likes the foot scrubber!! :)
Time does fly, He is such an adoreable boy.
I LOVE these pics!!!
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