Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, February 4, 2010

sweet child of mine

Lots has been going on with Lincoln since his 10 month post! He's saying "Hi" now. And because I say it in a high pitch voice very similar to Minnie Mouse, Lincoln does too. It's adorable.

Lincoln's been taking steps! I think 4 steps is the most he's taken before toppling down. We're so proud of him!

Lincoln came down with a cold on Monday. He had a runny nose, watery eyes, and lots of sneezing. Then he had his first vomiting experience on Tuesday. When I puke I cry, vomit, gag, cough. It's a pretty awful thing to see. Let's just say Lincoln takes after me in that area.

The good news is Lincoln is feeling much better now, and is constantly on the move. That's why I allowed him to play with my lens cap just so I could get him to sit still long enough to take his picture.


He may look just like his daddy...but that scrunchy-nose-face is all mine. So, he got my vomiting skills and scrunchy-nose-face. Bless his little heart :)



Rena' said...

Just plain cute:)

Chrissy said...

Meg, he is soooo beautiful and sweet. Time is flying by fast! I love you all!

AKat said...

(Almost ELEVEN MONTHS! OH MY WORD. Say it isn't so! Next month is already March?!)
Megan, he is beautiful. I see you both in Lincoln! He is perfect.

Tracey said...

That's so funny Megan...your scrunchy nose and vomiting skills! Cute. :) He's def a cutie pie! Glad he's feeling better.

Leigh Ann said...

I haven't seen Lincoln today and was feeling the winter blues creeping into my soul until I seen his smile and the clouds disappeared. Who needs therapy when you can get all you need from a smile from such a sweet face. And its free!!!!!! love you, mom

Susie said...

These pictures are just to precious.

WinD said...

Poor baby! I hate it when they throw up. But he is still just as adorable as ever! I'm glad he's feeling better.