Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

and the award for bad blogger of the year goes to ...

ME! So, I'm going to try to make up for it by overloading you with tons of information. Here's a list of what we've been up to here lately ...

1. We've been taking lots and lots of pictures. Here are two photos of Gretchen's kids Pierce and Hope.

Photobucket Photobucket

2. We had a photosession with Tracey's family on Saturday. Although we've been stalking each other's blogs for quite some time now, Saturday was our first time meeting in person :)

Photobucket Photobucket

3. I started doing the Shred workout again on Monday. This time around, my sweet friend Rachel is joining me and it's a lot more enjoyable :)

4. We are planning Lincoln's 1st birthday party! Can you believe it?! He will be ONE in just a few weeks!!! Sigh ...

5. A couple months ago, my mom and aunt Chrissy painted our kitchen this awful color I picked out. We finally repainted it this weekend with the help of Chris' dad and the color is soo much better!

6. Lincoln has been doing all sorts of cute things here lately. This first video is of him clapping and the second one is of him playing his keyboard and loving his bear

7. Our photography website is up and running! It's a work in progress, but you can check it out at hersandhisphotography.com


Kelly said...

The photography website looks awesome! I am so happy for you guys. Good luck!!

ginmommy said...

I've missed your updates!!!

Rachel said...

There's so much pressure to keeping up the blog, isn't there? :) My arms can't wait to work out again tomorrow - they are gluttons for punishment!! :)

Tracey said...

Agreed...awesome website!
Agreed...I've missed your updates!
But, hey, cute post with my kid in it!! :) Hopefully things will settle down for you once you get your business up and going!