I let you take your 13 month pictures with Horsey instead of Blue Bear because you've grown quite attached to Horsey in the last month or two.
Here lately if we ask you where Rufus is, you will point at him and say, "Deer" (there).
You wear a size 5 diaper.
You love being outside. You could be in the worst mood ever, and if we take you outside you're immediately happy.
You love playing Peek A Boo, Hide and Seek, and Pat-a-cake.
You love unloading things. Some of your happiest times throughout the day are when you're unloading Rufus's doggie basket, our bathroom drawers, the bedroom nightstand, your bookshelf, and Daddy's underwear drawer. What are we going to do with you?
You LOVE music. Your favorite videos are Sesame Stree Kids Favorite Songs, and Praise Baby. Your favorite songs right now are The Bear Went Over The Mountain, The Wheels On The Bus, The Ding Ding Song, If All The Raindrops, Down Down Baby, and The B-I-B-L-E. You're also very fond of the song Mimi made up for you ... Stinkin' Lincoln :)
You love going for walks in your stroller.
You wear a size 5/6 shoe.

You are so tender. You love giving hugs and kisses, and snuggling.
You wear 24 month clothes.
You are completely BINKY FREE!! I'm working on weaning you off of your bottle. You are down to 1 bottle before bed and none during the day!
You hate having your diaper changed, taking off your clothes, putting on your clothes, and getting in your carseat.
You are a great eater. You will eat just about anything. A few odd foods that you LOVE are avocado, kidney beans, and black olives. We're pretty sure you're not going to be picky! You are still the noisiest eater ever.
You love taking a bath. Your favorite bath toy is the big green cup I use to rinse you off.
You love swinging in the baby swings at the park.
You can say Dadda, Momma, Nini (Mimi), Dosh (Josh), What, Hi, No, Bye Bye, and Go!
You love to clap.
You have 12 teeth!

You love the sound of the magic bullet.
You love waving goodbye.
You love hiding things. After a long search, we found Rufus' leash in Daddy's underwear drawer. You have also "hid" Mimi's cell phone in the trash can and my flip flop behind your books.
We can't get you to play with your toys for anything. Your favorite "toys" are the remote control, your tooth brush, my hair brush, and Mimi's Koolaid spoon.
Your favorite books are Puppy and Friends, B is for Bear, and How Do I Kiss You.
You love talking on your cell phone.
You love to dance.

Wow, look at all that blond hair. He is such a cutie!
What a doll! Can't wait to meet him! It was so good to finally "meet" you on Sunday! :)
Man he is changing all the time. He is such a cutie!!
He sure is a cute little boy!!! Of course, I know you know this ;)
oh man - hearing about Chris' underwear drawer was a bit TMI :-) Lincoln - you are a doll and I loved seeing you play with your remote control and toothbrush at church...
My sweet lil boy is growing up way toooo fast. You are beautiful inside and out. I love just laying in the floor while you smother me with your love. Life doesn't get much better than that. Mimi
P.S. Its about time you blogged you slacker!!!!!!!!
Amen LeighAnn!!! It's about time!! I have been checking your blog everyday single day waiting for a picture of the cutest, sweetest, most wonderful little boy in the world!!! I'm counting down the days when I will get to spend a WHOLE week with my family, and especially LINCOLN!! Watch out because the smooches are going to come "fast and furious! I love you and can't wait to see you. Seven days from today!!! YEAH!
The pictures are too cute!!
Love you, Jenny and Mike (and K too!!)
How "stinkin" cute is that boy? Tina
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