-My mom and I started going to Community Bible Study. It started just a few weeks ago, but so far we're really enjoying it! If any of you ladies are interested, let me know! It's not too late to start up!
-Lincoln is changing by the second. I'll give him his own post later when I have time to write more than a two sentence recap :) In the meantime, enjoy this picture of my little precious showing me his filthy feet. I'm not sure how they got so dirty --- our dirty floors or running around outside barefoot ... it could go either way.

-I got accepted into Galen's nursing program and will be starting in January! Yeaaaa!
-Chris and I are getting our house ready to sell. Anyone wanna buy a house? :)
-Chris and I joined a new bible study for young couples. We've spent the last few weeks understanding our spouse's personality. The study breaks personality types up into four groups: Lions, Otters, Beavers, and Golden Retrievers. Chris is a Lion and I'm a Golden Retriever. Last week we were asked to draw our spouse as a superhero and to list their strengths. I couldn't resist posting Chris' drawing of me ...
In case you're wondering, my super powers include being "able to whip up dinner on a moments notice, being friendly, sensitive, a natural mom, great communicator, awesome cook, very organized and a woman of the word." He's pretty sweet, isn't he?

I guess that is all I have time for right now ... my Superman is almost home.

Nice to hear from you.
LOVE the pic. I'm planning on doing the Community Bible Study in January (I work on Thursdays right now). I've heard wonderful things about it. Congrats on going to Galen. So exciting.
Where is the Community Bible Study? What days? I would like to have more information! I have a busy schedule, but it would be nice to attend a bible study!
I love how in Chris' superwoman drawing, lincoln just has a curl in front!! It was great seeing yall!!
what a beautiful baby boy!! Smooch and hugs from Pookie, Doodles and Mike!! I would love to go with you to Bible study!! How can we ever get enough of God's Word??!! I love the picture drawing of you!! Kudos to Chris! What a wonderful husband and you are a wonderful wife!! I love you all!! I'm glad to see you are blogging again! I have been lost without your blog!!
Congrats on getting into Galen!!! You will be great!!!!
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