Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, December 13, 2010

what God wants for Christmas

I've mentioned before that my mom and I attend a Bible Study together. Last week we had a brunch and the topic for discussion was "Christmas Traditions". A lady in my group shared a tradition that Chris and I thought was really neat. And we decided to start it with Lincoln this year!

You can buy the What God Wants For Christmas kit at the Family Christian Store. It comes with 7 gift boxes, a pop-up manger scene, and a poem that tells about each gift. Six of the gift boxes contain characters in the Christmas story, and the seventh box contains ... a surprise---what God wants for Christmas!

We let Lincoln open the first box a couple days ago and he LOVED it!

He squealed when he saw there was something inside. He pulled the angel out and kissed it! He also tried to make Rufus kiss it :)

He put the angel in the manger.

We read him a poem about Gabriel ...

And he cried like a baby when it was over.


Jill said...

Thanks for the idea! ; ) We've been doing the Jesse tree (Dave and I) and I know it will become a tradition for K, too, in the future, but I love this idea for right now! Lincoln is such a cutie!

Kelly said...

Megan, thank you for sharing. We too are looking for meaningful and lasting traditions to start for our little family. I hate that we had to miss on Thursday. Merry Christmas, if I don't talk with you before!

Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

We love doing these types of things too... So important!

pookieanddoodles said...

How sweet and meaningful! I love it! You and Chris are wonderful parents!! Lincoln looks so grown-up too! Love you all so much!