Another toy Lincoln is becoming more and more fond of is his microphone! I walked into Lincoln's room tonight and he was standing on his bed, singing "Sing a Song" from Sesame Street at the top of his lungs into his microphone. When I went to take a picture he jumped off the bed and ran out of the room screaming :-) Love that boy...

My baby has a great imagination and I love watching him using it! Hes the sweetest! Keep the blogs coming.
Sorry, that was from me
Leigh Ann or mimi
Jayden is obsessed with Cars too. He is constantly talking about Ma..ner (Mater) and Lightnin Queen (Lightning McQueen). His favorite thing to do is get his McQueen and Mater cars and his john deer tractors and make them tip over. We will go around the house and find 4 or 5 tractors tipped over several times a day. Boys are so silly.
So cute! I can't believe how big Lincoln is getting. Makes me sad. Levi loves CARS too!! :)
I agree! It's sad how big he his!! A reminder of how fast our babies grow up. I will now go sob. ;)
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