Butterfly Sparks Designs

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Yesterday we got together with our Lifegroup class for a cookout and some fishing. We joined the class about three years ago, and these people have become our family! It has been so neat to see everyone grow together, spiritually and in numbers! Our class is called Family Matters but I'm pretty sure we should be called the Baby Boomers...and I LOVE it! :-) It's pretty rare to have friends who will pray for you and your family, encourage you, and bear your burdens with you. AND who just happen to be funny as all get out and amazing cooks... and we have a class full! We are blessed with some amazing friends.

Love this one of Tanner and his fish!

Laura and Danniell

I am still rolling at the expression on Megan's face while she was pretending to be Natalie's hairstylist!

Lincoln and sweet Layla

Isaac :-)



Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

so this morning I was a little blown away by how big Lincoln looks! goodness... slow that boy down!

Rachel7Loy said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one!!! I thought it was because I haven't seen him in person in awhile.