I found my wedding dress!!! Well, technically my Mom found my wedding dress! Me, my Mom, Kathy, and Audrey went on a crazy wedding dress search today. I had already looked at the catalog and had wrote down the styles I liked the best. So those were the dresses I tried on first--I didn't LOVE any of them once I got them on. I tried on a ton of dresses that were very pretty but weren't "the dress". A billion dresses later, my Mom asked me if I would try on a dress she had found. I absolutely LOVED it! When I put it on ... it just looked like me. Let me try to explain--There are lots of dresses I think are pretty but I would never wear because it's not me and it wouldn't look right on me. Does that make sense? Everyone was in agreement that we had found the dress. My Mom knows me so well :) We had a great time on our dress hunt. There were some tears shed--tears of joy that is...but there were a lot more laughs. I just can't stop peeking at my dress! I really don't think we could have found a dress more perfect for me. We are one step closer to being married! I'm so excited! Today has been a great day...
Megan <3
I totally understanding finding THE right dress! My mom and I have done a lot of traveling to find just the right one (Prom, Homecoming, Wedding, etc.). I can't wait to see it! You will be a beautiful bride!!
I agree!! There were a couple dresses that I thought were gorgeous....honestly...."prettier" on the hanger than "the one" I bought....It just looked better than anything else on me. I picked mine up today and I've tried it on three times......Tell me I'm not the only one!!!
Yay! I'm glad you found THE ONE!
Wow glad to hear you found your dress. I wish I could have taken my time, but we had a very quick wedding. We will eventually have a renewal of our vows and do a traditional service for that one. Anyway glad we are home! Keep up the updates!
That sounds just like me. Mom picked out my dress and I loved it. I still like to look at it every now and then.
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