Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

my beautiful wedding party ;)

Today I had my bridesmaids and flower girl fitted. They all looked so beautiful! Let me fill you in on who everyone is...

My flower girl, Kyra, is the little girl I babysit. My maid of honor, Audrey, is my best girlfriend and has been since infancy ;) Lauren and Sara have been my friends since elementary school. Hilary is my soon to be niece! Pretty crazy huh?!? Kalynn and Kelsie are both my cousins.

Kalynn isn't in any of the pictures because we had to have her fitted earlier because she lives in Michigan...so the last time she was in town we went ahead and had her sized. I don't have any pictures of Hilary with her dress on either because she got to the appointment a little late. I can assure you she looked beautiful though! After we got done at David's Bridal, some of us went to Panera Bread for dinner. Here are some pictures from today...try to picture the bridesmaid's dresses in champagne! haha

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