Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

a visit to the dentist...

I can always tell what kind of day I'm going to have by whether or not I have a dentist appointment scheduled for that day! haha Yesterday I had a dentist appointment and my predictions were accurate ... it was a stinky day! Well, it was more like stinky things were happening but everything worked out just fine :) The mornings that both Mom and Dad have to work, I drive Josh up the hill in our neighborhood to catch the bus and then I leave for class. Yesterday, I go to do just that and my car won't start ... completely dead. It did that a couple weeks ago when I was at school and my Dad had to put a new battery in it. Josh missed the bus. We both had to be at school at the same time. So my Papaw Jones took Josh to school. And my Mom picked me up and let me drop her off at work and take her car to school. Needless to say--I was counted absent to my first class of the day. The good news is my Dad picked up my car and had it looked at. Turns out that the battery they'd put in it was bad. So they replaced the bad battery with a new one for free! Thank you God!

The worst part of the day was my dentist appointment. I HATE going to the dentist with a passion. I hate the smell when you first walk in, the cheesy music playing, the whole bit! My dentist always feels the need to sing Disney songs. I can always count on hearing his rendition of two songs: Pocahontas' Colors Of The Wind and The Lion King's Can You Feel The Love Tonight. He also likes to ask me questions that require more than a yes or no answer while his hands are in my mouth! The good news is 1.)My teeth got super clean and 2.)I'm finally going to start looking for a new dentist! Thank you God! Any recommendations?

Some of you are going to think the next thing I'm about to say is absolutely crazy but oh well. Not only do I hate going to the dentist ... but I hate ladybugs. I think they are cute to look at but I hate them in my house! Right now at my house---we are having an invasion of the ladybugs. It happens every year around this time. They like to gather in one corner on the ceiling. Mom and I have decided that they must be having a stinking town meeting or something! It's crazy. The worst part about ladybugs is that they make a smell when they get scared. If you touch them or get too close they get scared and make a stinky ... and I'm telling you, it smells like lettuce! I'm not alone in this belief---my Mom completely agrees ;) The good news is that Mom and I are taking them out slowly but surely via toilet and/or vacuum cleaner.

Last--I went to Target because I'm having to retire my favorite pair of jeans and I needed some new jeans. I picked out some jeans and on my way down the checkout isle, I picked up two wedding magazines. When I got home, I realized that they hadn't put my magazines in the bag. I was bummed. The good news is my Mom had a return to make at Target today ... so she took my receipt and they had put my magazines up for me! I was very happy!

I'm also very excited because Chris starts his much needed and deserved vacation tomorrow! YAY!!!!! Well that's my spill for the day!

Megan :)


Rachel said...

I feel your pain with the ladybugs! That happened at Mom & Dad's one year when I lived there, but during the summer. When it was just 2 or 3 in my room I thought they were cute. But then, the invasion! They would come in through my air conditioning unit. I took a handheld vacuum cleaner to them too. Good times.

Hey, I love Dr. Denzinger on C-town Road. She's fantastic! She's a Christian, and attends Northside Christian Church. I don't remember what kind of music they play . . .

The Cox Family said...

Wow! What a day. Interesting fact that ladybugs stink! I am also looking for a good dentist since I moved to Charlestown, but I need to wait it out a month for the new insurance to kick in. Kenzie really enjoyed dancing last night.