The worst part of the day was my dentist appointment. I HATE going to the dentist with a passion. I hate the smell when you first walk in, the cheesy music playing, the whole bit! My dentist always feels the need to sing Disney songs. I can always count on hearing his rendition of two songs: Pocahontas' Colors Of The Wind and The Lion King's Can You Feel The Love Tonight. He also likes to ask me questions that require more than a yes or no answer while his hands are in my mouth! The good news is 1.)My teeth got super clean and 2.)I'm finally going to start looking for a new dentist! Thank you God! Any recommendations?
Some of you are going to think the next thing I'm about to say is absolutely crazy but oh well. Not only do I hate going to the dentist ... but I hate ladybugs. I think they are cute to look at but I hate them in my house! Right now at my house---we are having an invasion of the ladybugs. It happens every year around this time. They like to gather in one corner on the ceiling. Mom and I have decided that they must be having a stinking town meeting or something! It's crazy. The worst part about ladybugs is that they make a smell when they get scared. If you touch them or get too close they get scared and make a stinky ... and I'm telling you, it smells like lettuce! I'm not alone in this belief---my Mom completely agrees ;) The good news is that Mom and I are taking them out slowly but surely via toilet and/or vacuum cleaner.
Last--I went to Target because I'm having to retire my favorite pair of jeans and I needed some new jeans. I picked out some jeans and on my way down the checkout isle, I picked up two wedding magazines. When I got home, I realized that they hadn't put my magazines in the bag. I was bummed. The good news is my Mom had a return to make at Target today ... so she took my receipt and they had put my magazines up for me! I was very happy!
I'm also very excited because Chris starts his much needed and deserved vacation tomorrow! YAY!!!!! Well that's my spill for the day!
Megan :)
I feel your pain with the ladybugs! That happened at Mom & Dad's one year when I lived there, but during the summer. When it was just 2 or 3 in my room I thought they were cute. But then, the invasion! They would come in through my air conditioning unit. I took a handheld vacuum cleaner to them too. Good times.
Hey, I love Dr. Denzinger on C-town Road. She's fantastic! She's a Christian, and attends Northside Christian Church. I don't remember what kind of music they play . . .
Wow! What a day. Interesting fact that ladybugs stink! I am also looking for a good dentist since I moved to Charlestown, but I need to wait it out a month for the new insurance to kick in. Kenzie really enjoyed dancing last night.
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