Butterfly Sparks Designs

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

This morning started like every Christmas morning. I woke up...then I woke Josh up...then we went downstairs and opened presents with Mom and Dad. This was the latest we've ever slept in ... 8:00! This year, my Dad picked us each out a present. This was a BIG deal because Mom usually does all of the shopping for our Christmas presents. He gave me some new earrings and I love them! We all went to my Mamaw and Papaw Jones' at 11:00. There was a ton of food! Chrissy picked up a cake that looked like a snowman and it was adorable! After eating, we opened presents. Chris and I got some more presents from our registry! My Mamaw and Papaw got us our glass set and silverware. My Mom and Dad got us our pots and pans!!! I can't wait to cook something! We got home around 7, snuggled in, and watched a movie. This was mine and Chris' first Christmas dating...and our first Christmas engaged! I can't wait to spend many more Christmas' together ;) Happy Birthday, Jesus!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice pictures.


The Tibbs World said...

Love the pic of your dad! ; )

Mark said...

Looks like your Dad could use a visit from Mary Kay.

His Younger (and better looking) Brother

Anonymous said...

Hi Megan and Chris!! We had soooo much fun with you guys and can't wait to see you again! The New Year is going to be so exciting with the wedding coming soon and we can't wait!! I love you both!