Butterfly Sparks Designs

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Friday I watched Kyra and Kaiden. Chris and I had dinner and then when we rented a movie.

Chris' parents had Mason and Nolan this past weekend. So Saturday we all got together for dinner. Mason and Nolan are such sweet kids! Mason told Kathy later that evening that he thought I was pretty. :) So Sunday when they got to church Kathy told Mason to tell me what he had told her. Mason started smiling really big and Kathy said "Mason did you tell me that you think Megan is pretty?" He got really embarrassed and covered his face. hehe Kids are so darn sweet.

Sunday was a great day. It wasn't my turn to teach Lifegroups. We ate at my house after church as we always do. Mom cooked an awesome meal as she always does! Then we all watched Extreme Makeover Home Edition together because it was about a family from Louisville. Chris actually knows their family pretty well. He interviewed them for an article at work a while back and kept in touch after. So it was pretty neat!

Monday I had class. Chris worked. I started going to the tanning bed! I love to tan. Then we had Psalm95 practice. After practice, Chris and I went to Coffee Crossing for some quality time ;)

Tuesday I had class. Chris worked. I tanned. After class, me and Mom got some wedding stuff done (check our wedding blog). We were in Louisville so we went to Starbucks and then I took Chris a drink to his work. He was so surprised to see me! I got to meet a few more people from his work. Me, Mom, and Josh went to my Papaw Jones' for dinner. Mom cooked. Chris came over to my house that evening.

I didn't sleep much last night. So when I got home today at 12:30 I thought I would take a little nap. I ended up taking almost a 5 hour nap. I have to be at church an hour early for Psalm95 and I was 15 minutes late because of my nap! I was exhausted.

Well, that's all for now <3


Sulayne said...

I love how you say "It was a great day ... I didn't have to teach life groups!" That's so me!!

The Cox Family said...

thanks for thinking of me... and i forgot to add to the blog that I GAVE IT TO RYAN! He is getting the nastiness I am getting over! Oops! pump the vit c! Talk to you soon!

The Tibbs World said...

Just thought I would drop by and say hi. I've been thinking about you today!


Laura Caruso said...

Hey Megan! I started a blog...thought I'd let you know!