Butterfly Sparks Designs

Monday, March 31, 2008

prayer request

I wasn't kidding when I said it was back to reality for Chris and I. We found out today that Chris' Dad needs to have open heart bypass surgery. A few weeks ago he went to the hospital because he was experiencing chest pain. They ran several tests and told him everything was fine, until today. He has blockage in at least three places. His surgery is tomorrow. We cancelled Psalm95 practice tonight so we could spend some time with him at the hospital. He's doing as well as can be expected. We will be at the hospital most of the day tomorrow as well. Please keep him and our family in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

Megan & Chris,

Chris, I will be keeping your dad, Denny in my prayers. Hope everyting goes ok today.


The Cox Family said...

Chris and Megan,
We will keep your family in our prayers!
The Cox Family

The Tibbs World said...

Hey guys,

I've been thinking of you all since Chris called yesterday. I'll be sure to keep Denny in my prayers and hopefully I'll get a chance to stop and see you all at the hospital.