Butterfly Sparks Designs

Thursday, March 20, 2008

spring break!!!

I took this picture last year on spring break. We go to Florida for spring break almost every year. And we are going again this year! I'm sooo excited! We always leave in the middle of the night so we can be in Florida early. We will be leaving Saturday at 3 in the morning. I don't have any problem with that seeing as how I sleep the entire way! So we will be celebrating Easter in Florida!
Josh is bringing his friend, Brad. And I'm bringing Chris! Big surprise, huh?!? I'm putting this blog up now because I know I probably won't have time to blog tomorrow. I still have to pack. Rufus needs a bath because he's going to stay with my Aunt Tina and I want him to be super fresh and clean for her ;) I am very protective of my baby and I don't trust very many people to take care of him as well as I do...but Tina treats him BETTER than we do! Rufus is sad when we get back and he has to come home with us! Seriously... I'm not joking... It's pretty sad...

I have some wedding things I need to get done before we leave too. And I have to clean my room! We always clean our house really good the day before we go on vacation. It's soo worth it to come home to a super clean house.

I think we are ALL in desperate need of a vacation. Chris is going to leave his cell phone and laptop at home. I'm going to take tons of pictures and will put them on here when we get back! So...bye real world...we will be back Sunday night of next week.


Mrs. Wesely said...

ENJOY your vacation!!!

Anonymous said...

I am soooooo looking forward to your trip. Not because I want you all to be away. Well I think you know why. Parker and Zoey are very excited as well. We have been counting down the days. Also, I think I might use the great birthday gift from my most treasured friend. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Love the song!!! Hope you guys have a wonderful vacation. Wish we were there with you! Soak up all the sun you can and bring some back and mail it to me! It's still snowing here! 105 inches and counting! More on the way this week! HELP!!!!!!

Love you guys


Sulayne said...

I hope you are having fun in Florida!!