Name 3 Jobs You've Had
1. Babysitter
2. I worked at the Family Christian Store
3. Student? :)
10 Things You Might Not Know About Me
1. I've never broken a bone, gotten stitches, or had braces.
2. I have a nightmare almost every night.
3. Family members call me Siddy because Josh couldn't say Sissy right when he was little and it stuck :)
4. I can't go to bed without checking the windows and doors to make sure they are least a couple times.
5. I sweat a lot.
6. When my Dad goes out of town, I sleep with my Mom.
7. I've never gotten a speeding ticket.
8. I get splotchy on my neck and chest if I'm any emotion other than normal...such as crying, nervous, really excited, and so on.
9. I do not like for my belly button to be touched. It actually makes me gag because I feel like I'm touching my innards.
10. Speaking of gagging--- I'm freaky about textures when it comes to food. I have to eat mashed potatoes, pudding, yogurt, and things like that in small bites or I'll gag.
I hate...
1. Baggy socks.
2. Ladybugs. They literally stink.
3. When someone talks to me like I'm a child.
4. My foods touching.
5. Unwanted input.
6. Fast driving or driving in unfamiliar places (basically anywhere outside of Charlestown)
7. When someone tries to tell me how I feel or how I should or shouldn't feel.
I love...
1. I love the smell of things I'm not supposed to smell...such as gasoline, permanent markers, finger nail polish, and etc.
2. Lace.
3. Tanning.
4. Popping my neck, fingers, back, and anything else I can pop.
5. Scrapbooking.
6. Watching Dr. Phil with my Mom.
7. Getting something in the mail.
8. The way your head feels after you've had your hair in a tight ponytail all day and you let it down.
I will try and do this tagged for you, but no promises with my new schedule, I am now in college, going to church (in borden), the kids, work, cakes, etc. I will try as I said, and hope to see some more interesting comments from you on our blog!
I hate belly buttons! My friends have all thought that was weird over the years. I thought I was the only one!!I can't even stand to watch someone else touch their own!!!
I hate...
The fact that in two months tomorrow you will be leaving my house forever....
I love...
The fact that Chris will be officially apart of our family..
Everyone pray for me because it will be a transition for me. I am excited about the new chapter in my life but it is hard....Megan is such a very special daughter and my best friend..... mom
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